Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy
A Molecular Approach
Duchenne muscular dystrophy, X-linked disease, dystrophin, distrophin-associated protein complexAbstract
Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is an X-linked recessive congenital myopathy, with a low prevalence but a high mortality rate. It is due to different mutations of the DMD gene, the largest gene of the human genome, and leads to the production of a non-functional dystrophin, a fundamental protein responsible for muscle integrity. DMD is transmitted by female carriers and is characterized by a generalized progressive muscular dystrophy and weakness in males, being fatal before the age of 20 years due to cardiorespiratory failure. The aim of this study was to perform an integrative systematic review about the effect of interventions on DMD mutations of the information available in randomized studies with non-randomized studies. A research protocol was designed following the PICO methodology. Bibliography eligibility criteria were defined to answer the PICO’s question. Three independent searches were performed, namely in Cochrane, PubMed and Google. The data collection methodology used eligibility criteria. To extract information, five variables have been parameterized. Fifty-four papers were included in this integrative systematic review. Because scientists have succeeded in locating DNA errors and mutations with increasingly precise technologies, we are now able to develop new therapies that make it possible to avoid, bypass or edit the mutated DNA. There is information in non-randomized studies on the effect of interventions on DMD mutations. There are few therapies available for DMD mutations. Combining information from non-randomized studies with information available from randomized studies on the effect of interventions on DMD mutations, DNA analyses and advances in biomolecular science are confirmed and represent the basis of therapies with a direct impact on the predictability of disease progression.
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